Over the years, many significant dates have been celebrated, but some go unnoticed, even though they have shaped history in surprising ways. This week, one of those occasions almost went unnoticed by many: the 60th anniversary of BASIC.
On the early hours of May 1st, 1964, something extraordinary was happening at Dartmouth College in the United States. Two professors, John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz, along with a group of students, launched the first program written in a language that would forever change the world of computing. They had an ambitious mission in mind: to democratize access to technology, taking it beyond the exclusive domains of STEM and making it accessible to everyone in academia. Thus was born BASIC, whose name is an acronym for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
This initiative not only created a new programming language but also propelled Dartmouth College to the forefront of the emerging art of computing. Soon, operational systems for certain GE computers were written in BASIC, opening doors for colleges, schools, and individuals who wanted to explore the vast world of programming.
BASIC quickly transcended the boundaries of academia and was adopted as the ideal language for programming mainframes, minicomputers, and other devices of the time, reducing the learning curve for the users of these systems. Its popularity was crucial for its election as the standard language for the first microcomputers and for much of the programmable calculators that emerged, with specific implementations like Applesoft BASIC, Sinclair BASIC, Microsoft BASIC, TI-BASIC, and Casio BASIC, to name a few.
I myself was touched by this revolution. At just 8 years old, my father gave me a book entitled: “BASIC book for children”, introducing me to this world. In my teens, already with reasonable fluency, reinforced by a specific course, I typed lines of code for various programs, exploring the limits of our home computer. This experience shaped who I am today: someone with good programming proficiency, a skill that started with BASIC and extended to other programming languages I learned and worked with throughout my life.
It’s amazing to think that, even after six decades, BASIC remains relevant and powerful. New languages based on the original BASIC, such as Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications, have emerged to meet the demands of a constantly evolving digital age, especially in the Windows environment, being, at one time, the most used programming languages in the world, with many legacy applications still in use today. Additionally, BASIC is also present in different operating systems and even in embedded systems in microcontrollers, like the Basic STAMP.
Whether compiled or interpreted, BASIC remains a language of choice for many computing enthusiasts and professionals. As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of this revolutionary language, we must remember its lasting impact and fundamental role in democratizing access to technology. BASIC may have started as a simple idea, but its legacy endures as a beacon of inspiration for all those who need and dare to develop applications with a simple, robust, and powerful language, transforming the world through code and meeting needs. Here’s to the next 60 years!
#BASIC60 #Programming #Innovation #Technology